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Announcement: Andanças cancels 2019 edition, but will not end.

PédeXumbo Association, organizer of the Andanças Festival, reports with great sadness that the 24th edition of the Andanças Festival will be canceled.


The 2019 edition, scheduled for 4 to 10 of August, marked the return of the event to the banks of the dam of Póvoa e Meadas, in Castelo de Vide. This return was to ensure that all the participants would enjoy a seven-day Andanças full of entertainment, in a safe and comfortable environment. However, despite all the efforts made, it’s at this moment impossible to guarantee the necessary conditions for the realization of what we have designed for this edition.


As there are no alternatives to the space where this edition was planned, it is impracticable to proceed with the production process, with no alternative other than the cancellation of the Festival Andanças’2019.


In this gap we will design a Andanças adapted to emerging challenges, designed to provide conditions that respond to the present climate changes, based on sustainability and preservation of the surrounding environment, ensuring a full experience to our participants, artists, volunteers and partners.


We offer all our sincere apologies for the inconveniences that underlie the non-performance of this edition, and we inform you that all participants who have already purchased your ticket are being contacted in order to articulate the immediate reimbursement of the amount spent on them.


PédeXumbo Association deeply regrets the cancellation of the 2019 edition of Andanças, this unique Festival that has more than 20 years.


Andanças will continue to be a space where everyone dances, where music is made, where you can learn and have new experiences, where there is sharing and crossing of ideas for a better world.

©2019 Copyright, all rights by PédeXumbo
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