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“Volunteers aren’t paid in Andanças?”

At each post regarding the Andanças Festival, we’re always asked the same question “are the artists getting paid already?”.

We think that every question is worthy of an answer and to an old question, Pédexumbo has the same old answer: No, the artists performing in Andanças, exactly like the nurses, doctors, environmentalists, engineers, teachers, supervisors, among others, are not paid. They´re teams of hundreds of people that throughout the years have gathered to give life to one of the most important pillars of the festival: Volunteering.


These are people that believe and contribute to a festival independent of any political, commercial or financial powers, no brands whatsoever. They belong to something greater, a structure where everybody feels motivated with the desire to contribute to the common good. The volunteers believe in the Andanças’ experience. They believe in a different model of labour towards the development of a project together. The volunteers are not paid for their work, but they are compensated justly and creatively. This is the spirit of the festival!


When those interested sign up to join the teams or the Andanças’ programming with their projects, they candidate through an online platform and have access to, in a very clear way, what are the conditions the festival provides. In being part of the programming of Andanças, artists have the right to: a free pass to the festival, regardless of their number of performances; an invitation (general pass) per project participant; meals at the festival canteen and tickets for drinks/tokens worth 3 euros per day depending on number of performances; payment of transporting fees; personal accident insurance; insurances towards any damage to their instruments kept in festival grounds, for the entirety of the event; to being able to sell editions and merchandising in the festival grounds on a consignment basis, with all of the sales profit going to the project itself; to the chance of having a song on the Andanças CD; to the promotion of each project on Andanças website and social networks, with 49 000 followers.


In buying a ticket for the festival, the participants know they’re enabling Andanças to be a space free of branding, advertising and merchandising; they’re supporting the construction of every infrastructure; supporting the local economy through the supplying of the Andanças Canteen with local produce (zero kilometres), preferably from small-time farmers; supporting the Andanças Canteen which guarantees a full and fair-priced quality meal; ensuring the artists of the Andanças programming have benefits; supporting the development of good social and environmental practices; supporting the memory of the local folklore; supporting the execution of all the essential tasks towards the development of a self-managed and large-scale festival, ensuring the well-being of its participants and aiming for the respect and protection of the environment throughout every stage of the event.


Since PédeXumbo is a non-profit association, the festival doesn’t generate profit. If there’s any surplus – which doesn’t always happen, as it may be seen on our public statement of accounts – it goes towards improving the festival and hiring local services instead of big corporations in everything we do throughout the year. These events are either free entry or low-priced and we try to reach as many people as possible with them.


Andanças has thus enabled PédeXumbo to create and maintain projects, like the Instrument Scholarship, one of the oldest projects of the association, which loans 22 traditional instruments, at no cost and for 9 months, to whomever candidates for it. Also, the countless free-entry activities, projects for the decentralization of culture and editions that foster the research of traditional Portuguese artistic word and respective contemporary safekeeping. But the activity of Andanças does not stop at PédeXumbo. The association considers that artistic work (and non-artistic) should be compensated, taking into account the inclusion of the artists programmed at the Andanças Festival in the programmes of other festivals and activities that it promotes over the year and that, based on other models or philosophies, they are financially compensated.


We know all too well that in our society this type of model is very polemical and controversial, since it is based on the trade of services for the development of an event. Over the years, PédeXumbo has publicly divulged how it manages its finances regarding the festival and other activities and invites everyone, on a yearly basis, to become partners of the association and participating in the assemblies, where there is room for finding out more about the models of the events PédeXumbo creates, like the Andanças Festival.


The first phase of selling online Andanças’s general passes with discount takes place from April 14th to 21st

Photo: Juliano Mattos

The first phase of selling online general passes with discount takes place from April 14th to 21st on our website Festival Andanças. 


By purchasing an Andanças Ticket you are contributing for…

* Developing a space where beneficial environmental and social practices can be experienced and disseminated;

* Keeping Andanças free from brands, advertising and merchandising;

* Helping the construction of stages, infrastructures, paths, showers, sanitary installations, piping and power supply all over the festival grounds, which is a large area with constraints arising from its location in nature;

* Ensuring the compensation of the artists, who fill the program of Andanças and take you on a journey through cultures and countries right on the festival grounds;

* Allowing the provision of the Andanças canteen with local products, thus stimulating the local economy and traditional trades, preferring small producers even if that means higher costs;;

* The execution of all essential tasks for the development of a festival on a large scale, ensuring the well being of participants while also aiming to respect and protect the environment during all stages of the event.


All information about the festival ticket office here.


Andanças Festival sprouts in Campinho, between the 18th and 21st of August!

In 2022, Andanças Festival is back and so is dancing! The festival, organized by PédeXumbo Association, sprouts in Campinho, from the 18th to the 21st of August, into the sound of music, the rhythm of dance, and the taste of cultures and our arms meeting again.

In 2021, we started «A Caminhar para o Andanças» [“Walking to Andanças”], in a special edition to get to know the region and to point forward to the festival’s future, with several meetings and conversations where we exchanged some seeds to germinate. Today, Andanças is borning again and taking roots in Central Alentejo with strength, energy and evergreen trees, to bring back the four pillars of the festival, Dance&Music, Volunteering, Community and Sustainability. This year, with the partnership of the Municipality of Reguengos de Monsaraz and the villages of Campo e Campinho. we set a meeting between the 18th and 21st of August, for four days of the Andanças spirit, in an edition inspired by this charming region and its community.

The Andanças Festival offers four days of a program with different activities throughout the day and for all ages. This edition is not only marked by the return of dance, but also by the return of the children’s space with activities for families. There will be no shortage of parallel workshops, with proposals for crafts and other challenges, short stories sessions and “Cinema for all”! The morning starts with relaxation workshops and others to wake up the body for the dancing moments that will follow that ones! At the end of the afternoon, we will have the opportunity to stretch, keep dancing or to relax into the sound of music. Concerts and shows will complete the program so we can truly listen. Yes it is! The balls fill the night so we can freely dance. During these four days, lovers of travel and hiking will also have the opportunity to get to know the region with the proposals of the local program, which will also show the gastronomy, handicrafts and local customs.

And as always, it will be a participated festival! Applications for proposals for artistic programming take place from April 1st to 17th and applications for volunteering open from June 1st to 10th.

The first phase of selling online general passes with discount takes place from April 14th to 21st on our website Festival Andanças. All information about the festival ticket office here.

Andanças has a new instagram page, follow @festival.andancas to get updated news!


We are looking for a new home!

It’s true! Festival Andanças is looking for a new home where it can continue to be relevant to all Andantes who have been with us for over 20 years and the ones that are yet to come. We can only thank the community of Castelo de Vide, whom we owe a lot and whom from the first moment were openly and actively involved. May the seed planted bear fruit for the future of other events in this region.

We hope to have news very soon. So you can have news firsthand sign our newsletter here.



Announcement: Andanças cancels 2019 edition, but will not end.

PédeXumbo Association, organizer of the Andanças Festival, reports with great sadness that the 24th edition of the Andanças Festival will be canceled.


The 2019 edition, scheduled for 4 to 10 of August, marked the return of the event to the banks of the dam of Póvoa e Meadas, in Castelo de Vide. This return was to ensure that all the participants would enjoy a seven-day Andanças full of entertainment, in a safe and comfortable environment. However, despite all the efforts made, it’s at this moment impossible to guarantee the necessary conditions for the realization of what we have designed for this edition.


As there are no alternatives to the space where this edition was planned, it is impracticable to proceed with the production process, with no alternative other than the cancellation of the Festival Andanças’2019.


In this gap we will design a Andanças adapted to emerging challenges, designed to provide conditions that respond to the present climate changes, based on sustainability and preservation of the surrounding environment, ensuring a full experience to our participants, artists, volunteers and partners.


We offer all our sincere apologies for the inconveniences that underlie the non-performance of this edition, and we inform you that all participants who have already purchased your ticket are being contacted in order to articulate the immediate reimbursement of the amount spent on them.


PédeXumbo Association deeply regrets the cancellation of the 2019 edition of Andanças, this unique Festival that has more than 20 years.


Andanças will continue to be a space where everyone dances, where music is made, where you can learn and have new experiences, where there is sharing and crossing of ideas for a better world.


This year there is more space to dance at Andanças!

Keeping the idea of diversity in the program and the same number of activities, this year there will be more space to dance in the Póvoa e Meadas Dam. This year’s the capacity will be limited to 3,500 people, who will have more space to dance and for greater freedom of movement. We are planning for six stages, plus all the program areas dedicated to children, local activities, and others,  same number of toilets, showers, canteen area and an extensive camping area, so that we all spend less time queuing and have plenty of time for all the activities we wish to explore throughout the day. Reserve your place for these seven days of music and dance in the beautiful Póvoa e Meadas Dam! Buy your online ticket here.


Program: first balls confirmed

We can already reveal some of the first balls that will be present in Andanças 2019: ZIGO (Belgium) | AÉROKHORDA (Belgium) | LA LANTERNE (France) | SEBASTIÃO ANTUNES (Portugal) | STOMPING AT SIX (Portugal) | TRIO ESPAÇO BAIÃO (Portugal) | NÓS MANERA (Portugal) | NAÇÃO VIRA LATA (Portugal) | OÎMA (Galicia) | DOS (Spain) | YEMADAS (Portugal) | PESDELÁN (Galicia) | TAVOLA TONDA ORCHESTRA (Italy) | FOLKS (Lithuania) | BALSOL 4TETO (Portugal) | FULANO, BELTRANO & SÍCRANO (Portugal) | RONDALA DES PORTS (Catalonia) | MAESTRALE (Italy) | FLOWK (Catalonia) | NATuRA (Portugal). In the coming weeks we will have more news about Andança’s program. Stay tuned!


Andanças Tickets: last chance to buy tickets on the 1st discounted phase!

The first phase for Andanças Tickets at a discounted price is nearly ending! Enjoy until April 30 to purchase your ticket at a reduced price.

With the return of Andanças to Póvoa e Meadas Dam, it will also also return to a seven day format.

Seven days to enjoy dance workshops, tradballs, concerts, among other activities for kids and adults, such as relaxation and personal development, workshops of instruments, arts and crafts, gastronomy, circus, theater, storytelling, street animation, talks, visits and local walks, and this year a Film Showcase!

This year, the capacity of the festival will be limited to 3500 participants, so,  guarantee your place and reserve Andanças ticket from our Online Ticket Shop.


Apply with your movie to the I Andanças Film Showcase!

cadeiras2 1 Apply with your movie to the I Andanças Film Showcase!

This year, Andanças will, once again, include the Open-Air Cinema Showcase in the program and will challenge all authors of short movies, animations, films, documentaries or other audiovisual projects to present their proposals inspired by the theme “Families”. The idea is to take the extended concept of the word “family” and use it as a starting point. If you have interesting projects in the audiovisual area, send us your proposals from April 22 to May 19. More information here.


Applications for Food and Market Spaces in Andanças are opening soon!

2019 is the year of our return to the Póvoa e Meadas Dam and we want the festival grounds to become a great village once more!

From April 15 to 22 we will be receiving proposals for the Restaurant and Bar Spaces and also for Andanças Market , which will become zones for socializing and appreciation of culinary proposals and creative products!

For those interested, more information on the Spaces for Food and Beverage here and for Andanças Market here.

©2019 Copyright, all rights by PédeXumbo
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